Allegra has practiced yoga since 1996 and has been teaching since 2004. She believes in its practice and teaching as service to all beings and approaches yoga as a source of joy and peace that is of benefit to all, regardless of circumstance.
Her teaching is infused with yoga philosophy, pranayama, conscious alignment, and humor. Each student is invited to find the depth and pace appropriate to them in the moment – offering adjustments and modifications for all levels and abilities so that the practice is made accessible as a tool for freedom, wellness, and movement.
With over 1000 hours of training, Allegra’s teaching balances tradition and innovation, centers the breath, and grounds the physical in a weaving of ancient philosophy, modern neuroscience, the wisdom of Ayurveda, the “sister science” of yoga, anatomy, intuition and interoception, and spirituality. She’s taught for decades in studios, privately, in corporate or group settings, and in non-traditional settings, including jails, prisons, schools, and the natural world.
She's crafted a style that offers yoga as just not something we do, but something we are.
Connect with Allegra
@sukhamukha // //