Employees can attend Movement Labs for free.
There are currently 10 spots available per Movement Lab. If we reach full capacity, we may consider expanding the limit for future sessions.
Please only pre-register if you are certain you will attend, to ensure students of The Practice Space don’t lose the opportunity to participate if capacity is reached.
Employees are encouraged to bring a student they are working with on specific movements or progress. This fosters a collaborative learning environment between the employee, their student, and colleagues.
REGISTRATION: Employees can register using the “Movement Lab - Employee Only” pricing option
Movement Lab: Thoracic Spine and Breath
This month's Movement Lab will focus on the thoracic spine, breath, and upper body mobility. We’ll dive into common misconceptions about mobilizing the upper thoracic spine and how scapular movement influences that mobility. By addressing frequent issues, we’ll explore alternative approaches to improving thoracic movement and enhancing breath awareness, creating a more integrated and effective practice.
Read below for more details…
Join us for Movement Lab, a dedicated space for both students and teachers in the mindful movement community. This program is designed to address real-world movement challenges by diving into individual case studies and collaboratively finding solutions. Each session, Krista will guide participants through 1-3 pre-discussed cases, helping to troubleshoot movement issues that arise in practice and teaching.
Whether you are working through a personal movement challenge, dealing with a recurring issue in your practice, or trying to help students overcome a common obstacle, Movement Lab offers a hands-on, clinical approach to problem-solving. This is your opportunity to ask questions, explore real solutions, and collaborate with others in an intimate setting (max. 10 participants).
Why Attend? Movement Lab is a unique and vital resource for fostering continual growth for both students and teachers. By working together on real-world concerns, we strengthen our community, support each other's learning, and create solutions that have long-lasting benefits.
Who Should Attend? This workshop is designed specifically for students and teachers at The Practice Space who want to deepen their understanding of movement and address ongoing challenges in their practice or teaching.
Led By: Krista Lennartz
Cost: $42 per session (25% off for autopay members). Registration required highly encourage, space is limited. Sign up early to secure your spot!