Emily’s top values and greatest guides are honesty, creativity and heart and she strives to bring all three to everything she does.
My journey as a yoga instructor and healer began with the pull inward that arises out of spells of depression and anxiety. As these emotions most often connected back to hyper-sensitivity and homesickness, I would find myself searching for the comfort of a physical space that felt safe and familiar. Overtime and with dedicated practice, that space became wherever my mat was.
As I found peace time and time again through asana practice, I knew I had to find a way to share that feeling with others in search of the same sense of steadiness and ease. And so (!) the intention was set to become a yoga instructor.
This sweet process of becoming has been and continues to be a dance of honoring suffering and staying connected to humor. As all humans have felt, anything that surrounds pain carries weight and though it may be wrought with difficulty, I am learning to respect and appreciate the sacredness of this pull, while also finding consistent reminders that we are meant to laugh.
This relationship between suffering and humor is beautifully articulated by Hafiz –
God and I have become
like two giant fat people
living in a tiny boat.
We keep
bumping into each other
and laughing.
And in my experience, God* and I have bumped into each other over and over in some gnarly ways, each time diving deeper and each time learning an array of divine lessons — in mending heartbreak, I found solace in pranayama practice; through the experience of recovering from PTSD, I found myself again through meditation and yoga nidra; and sankalpa sadhana empowered me to find a next level of self-love in healing panic disorder. Each time, even in the darkest throws of pain, the intelligence of the heart has reminded me to laugh.
*In case this word carries a strong charge in your being, the God I relate to and reference here is not gendered, nor of any specific race or religious denomination. God to me, is everything and everywhere, a kind of love that never ceases and that infinitely connects all of us and everything. I will always respect who God is or is not to you.
There is so much beauty in honoring our unique paths and humanity with compassion and acceptance, and this is the journey I am on both as a teacher and a student. If my unfolding resonates with you or sparks curiosities, let’s chat! If you’re in search of a deeper connection to heart, I’m here for you. Wherever you are in your journey, I am honored to support you.
Connect with Emily
@emmylemonss // infiniteheart.space // emilypowellwright@gmail.com
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