Newsletters and Blog Posts
Grow beyond your experience and create impact for others

The Practice Space Announces Revolutionary Full-Time Educator Model
Starting in 2025, The Practice Space will become the first yoga and Pilates studio in the region to offer full-time salaries and benefits to its educators. This groundbreaking move addresses a long-standing industry issue where teachers, despite their dedication, often face financial instability.
“Teachers dedicate their lives to this work, yet they are rarely acknowledged or compensated as if they have a professional career,” said Krista Lennartz, owner and educational director. “We believe the well-being of our educators is as essential as the well-being of our students.”
This innovative model, which includes leadership roles for full-time educators and continued opportunities for affiliate teachers, sets a new standard for sustainability and excellence in the industry.
Why I enrolled… Again
For over a decade, I've had the privilege of learning with Meghan and have participated twice in the transformative 40-day journey for self-discovery. I've delved into profound contemplations, spent countless hours pondering life's complexities through the yogic lens, and this spring, I find myself drawn once more to this grounding process.
Why do I return? Have I not grasped the lessons from my previous journeys?
(un)Expected Weather
On the early Monday of the past week, I arrived at the airport to check in for a one-week retreat in Costa Rica with five other wonderful entrepreneurs. However, the harmony of anticipation was quickly disrupted when my fellow traveler discovered that his passport was missing – an unforeseen omen of the challenges awaiting me in the days ahead. Little did I know, these hurdles would test my resilience in ways I hadn't anticipated.
I choose to stay.
I opened all of the windows. Every single one of them. I opened them all and now as I write this the house is cold with brisk winter air. Then, with a lit sage in hand, I traversed every room, waving it toward the corners burdened with the weight of memories. Spider webs, dirt along the baseboards, piles of laundry, remnants of the past in photos and empty frames awaiting purpose. Groceries, thirsty plants, wrapped presents patiently awaiting the dawn of the new year. My son's writings adorned his sister's bedroom wall.
Williams closes its doors…
To overcome economic pandemic diversity and be “the studio that survived and thrived”. After this week, I have found space in my mind and heart to thrive in a new and careful way.
The Practice Space and Social Media
Decisions around social media can be fraught with issues that spark philosophical contemplations. I was recently put into a contemplative tailspin when trying to identify how our new brand can be on social media with integrity.
2022 Reflections, 2023 Hope
Reflecting on 2021 and we had just over 15,000 studio visits. Our teachers and students work in symbiosis to make the potential of our practice magical.
2021 Lesson Learned to Keep it F*%&ing Simple
Lessons from 2021: 1) Laughter in the face of adversity, 2) Sometimes you need to say f&%! and 3) Change the story. A fart isn’t embarrassing.
A New YBCP - Part One
In the middle of 2020, I didn’t know how I could help the situations that surrounded me. At one point I felt frozen with uncertainty… How the heck can I support my family in a pandemic, become an ally to BIPOC Portlanders, make changes to save the planet, and run a successful business?!?!
To Demonstrate or Not to Demonstrate… That is the Virtual Question.
A primary focus in my work with motor learning has been the study of cueing approaches for yoga and Pilates. Specifically, how and why teachers utilize either demonstration or verbal cueing to teach large classes with diverse populations.
Movement's Metaphor and Home-Education Support
My conclusion, based solely on my anecdotal evidence is that, in these past 21 days, acceptance of a new reality is improbable at best. Personally, I am nowhere near the autonomous stage of learning or developing new habits.
You Can't Hold Hands Online
As we are quickly learning during this unexpected pandemic that is rattling our economy, community connections, and personal health: human connection is invaluable.
All of memberships are designed to support your dedicated practice. Explore our monthly memberships:
Lunar Monthly Memberships
Weekly Private Session Membership
unlimited access to all classes plus 1 private per week
*specialist not included
Upcoming Events & Workshops
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